Structure of the company’s client portfolios APF VENTURE CAPITAL CR s.r.o.

The total value of client portfolios as of June 30, 2024, amounted to 881,322,717 CZK. Compared to the state as of March 31, 2024, the total value increased by 49,469,740 CZK (5.95%).

This value is composed of the primary products: Investment Agricultural Lands IZPKI, Long-term Investment in Agricultural Lands DIZP, Extended Long-term Investment in Agricultural Lands PDZIP, and Individual Portfolio IP. The largest share of the total value is represented by the IP product, accounting for 77.80%. The highest percentage increase in value during the observed period was also recorded in the IP product.

The value of portfolios secured by a future purchase agreement amounts to 463,885,334 CZK, representing 52.64% of the total value of client portfolios. The prevailing value of client portfolios consists of individual portfolios of clients who have been cooperating with APF long-term based on personal references.

The secured yield in the form of advance payments on the future purchase price is paid in accordance with the concluded future purchase agreements (SoSB).

Economic results of Agrární půdní fond s.r.o. in 2021

  • Administrative fees (APF commission) were reported for 2021 in the total amount of CZK 5,452,572. These are standard commissions from concluded client portfolios and additional commissions received when the returns exceeded the guaranteed return in accordance with the business conditions of APF products.
  • In 2021, we completed 372 trades with a total value of CZK 182,842,049 and with a total area of 4,429,768 m² (443 ha). The total number of completed trades increased by 49% compared to 2020.
  • Over the year 2021, APF by itself sold land with a total value of CZK 6,269,193 (17 trades), with an average gross profitability of 29.24%. The gross profit from these transactions amounted to CZK 1,418,431.
  • In 2021, the owner of APF sold land with a total value of CZK 7,362,242 (21 trades) with an average gross profitability of 31.21%. The gross profit from these transactions amounted to CZK 1,751,290. The funds obtained from sales of land owned by the company’s owner were reinvested into APF in the form of an increase in stock capital to a total of CZK 5,100,000 and in the form of a long-term liability to an associate in the amounts of CZK 5,829,006 (RE Services & Investments s.r.o.) and CZK 1,327,939 (directly the owner of the company as a natural person). The total amount of liabilities to the owner of the company was CZK 7,156,945.
  • As of 31 December 2021, the credit provided by the banking institution was reduced to a total of CZK 4,197,227.
  • In August 2021, APF started a subscription for APFD 7.5/25 corporate bonds. The value of the subscribed bonds as of 31 December 2021 was CZK 2,300,000. The funds obtained through the subscription for bonds were used to purchase agricultural land into the ownership of APF.
  • The total value of APF’s assets as of 31 December 2021 was CZK 27,539,515. This value consisted mainly of tangible fixed assets (63.31%) – agricultural land.

The value of equity: CZK 9,160,957

The annual total net turnover: CZK 7,335,003

The operating result: CZK 5,211,720

Ratio of Equity to Total Assets Equity ratio 1: 33,26%

Ratio (equity + liabilities to associates) and Total Assets Equity ratio 2: 59,25%

Debt ratio ((external sources – liabilities to associates – accrued liabilities)/equity): 57,18%

Final results as of 31.12.2022

Value of equity: 133.188 thousand CZK

The annual total net turnover: 723.896 thousand CZK

The operating result (EBITDA): 152.983 thousand CZK

Total value of assets netto: 446.667 thousand CZK

Preliminary results as of 31.12.2023

Value of equity: 221.749 thousand CZK

The annual total net turnover: 467.717 thousand CZK

The operating result (EBITDA): 68.690 thousand CZK

Total value of assets netto: 1.163.911 thousand CZK

APF GROUP revenue structure

(valid from 1.1.2024)

1. commission for arranging the sale of agricultural land

2. administrative fees for the management of client portfolios

3. fees for the management of the funds entrusted (one-off fees for the negotiation of the contract)

4. fees for the conclusion of option contracts

5. proceeds from the sale of agricultural land owned by APF GROUP

6. interest income from savings accounts

7. interest income from bonds purchased

8. rental income from agricultural land owned by APF GROUP

9. income from swap transactions (exchange of assets) within the APF GROUP

10. income from revaluation of assets within the qualified investor fund

11. entry fees to the qualified investor fund

12. exit fees from the Qualified Investor Fund

13. profit shares from equity participations

14. interest income from loans to agricultural entities

15. proceeds from the sale of APFC’s own token through foreign exchanges