Who we are

APF VENTURE CAPITAL CR s.r.o. (formerly Agrarian Land Fund s.r.o.) was established in May 2020 as a trader of agricultural land in the Czech Republic. It is currently part of the APF GROUP, which primarily focuses on long-term investments in agricultural land and agricultural projects. Since 2024, the Group’s activities have been expanded to include its own agricultural production.

APF is a real estate broker under the relevant Real Estate Brokerage Act with professional liability insurance of CZK 20 million.

The Qualified Investor Fund APF GROUP CR SICAV a.s. was established within the Group.The Qualified Investor Fund (QIF) is regulated by Act No. 240/2013 Coll, The fund is established for the purpose of appreciation of investors’ financial resources by direct and indirect investments mainly in capital companies, receivables and by providing secured loans and credits exclusively to agricultural entrepreneurs. Investments in the Fund are therefore suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 5 years.

What are our values?


APF GROUP makes no secret of anything. We always inform our clients about what land they are buying and under what conditions. We provide adequate collateral for the commitments made. We can back up the promised returns with real data. It is not about investing "blindly" in real estate or a fund that the client knows nothing about. We provide regular information on financial results and other company facts.


At APF GROUP we remember our roots, our ancestors and where we came from. We didn't create the soil, we took it from the last generation and we will pass it on to the next. That is why it is important to think about the state we leave it in and make sure it can support our descendants.


APF GROUP has experienced professionals who understand the land, know what land to choose and where to choose it so that it is not only profitable but also valuable for future use. We stick to what works and is proven.

Love for the land

APF GROUP cares about the Czech soil and its condition and wants to advocate its acceptable use and actively help in the development of Czech agriculture. We invest in projects such as Sobůlský dvůr or the APF Utility Garden in Hněvotín. At the same time, the people of APF Group have rural roots and a relationship with the fertile landscape of Haná, where they grew up.


We do not make unrealistic promises. We stick to reality, reality and what happens in it and what follows from it. We make decisions based on knowledge, experience and proven practices backed by results. We provide investments that are grounded in reality - literally, ground that can be touched.

Where we came from?

In 2015, we started off as real estate brokers specialising in agricultural land working under the Czech Republic’s largest real estate company. Through APF’s current owner, we made our first investment into agricultural land in 2016. This investment was CZK 550,000 with a gross return on investment of 40%. Up to the establishment of APF, the owner traded only as a natural person. After the first transaction, the owner gradually gained personal capital equal to roughly CZK 11 million, which was then invested into APF.

Co umíme a proč nás
klienti vyhledávají?

Na základě zkušeností, znalostí a odbornosti umíme vybrat vhodné zemědělské pozemky pro potenciální investici, stanovit současnou tržní cenu, budoucí výnos a tím i budoucí tržní cenu a samozřejmě nakonec pozemky za uvedených podmínek prodat.

Zaměřujeme se na zajištěné investice do zemědělských pozemků, které jsou po celou dobu pod Vaší kontrolou.

Průměrný realizovaný hrubý výnos převyšuje míru inflace, což umožňuje chránit Vaše investice před znehodnocením.

Number of completed deals in 2024 272

Number of completed deals in 2023 471

The total number of completed trades 2111

Value of traded agricultural land 2024 CZK 362.241.679

Total value of agricultural land traded CZK 1.556.694.040

Total value of client portfolios CZK 881.322.717

Total area of land owned by APF GROUP 8.270.848 m² (827,1 ha)

Revenue from direct sales of APFC token (OTC) 2024 CZK 159.158.925

Our Past Achievements:

The company’s current Portfolio Manager won the award for the best real estate broker in the Czech Republic at the largest real estate company on the domestic market for both the years 2019 and 2020. So far, he has conducted 1,800 client transactions with a total value of over 1 000 millions CZK.

We gained most of our private clients through working with a real estate company, who started working with us based on client recommendations. Our Portfolio Manager has received upward of 900 recommendations. Our “numerous” previous transactions are attested by the following figures:

How we operate?

We work primarily with real demand in individual locations at predetermined land parameters (type of land, acreage, climate zone, location, placement within the cadastral area, agricultural lease, time before sale).

We focus on the main areas of agricultural production. We choose plots of land which, based on our experience, knowledge and completed transactions, are undervalued in terms of their current market price or their parameters. We carefully assess the agricultural lease conditions. We focus on stable portfolio returns (starting at 10% per annum) with an emphasis on market rent.

We then put the selected plots back on the market through our partnered real estate agency. We do not take into account any potential increase in agricultural land prices, nor do we try to predict it. We respond to developments in market demand or specific requirements of interested parties and, of course, account for changes in the Czech Republic’s macroeconomic and legislative conditions.

Last but not least, we have knowledge of agricultural issues acquired through university education.

Thanks to our close cooperation with a real estate agency, we have access to an extensive database of those interested in agricultural land, created by our own active trading. We employ all of the available marketing means of the partnered real estate agency to effectively offer our land.

What we strive for?

To give small and medium-sized non-agricultural investors and savers the opportunity to invest in agricultural land as a finite factor of production which has dramatically increased in importance over the last few years. With your long-term investment, you will support an acceptable distribution of land ownership in the Czech Republic and acquire a conservative alternative to investing in banking products which also has a more interesting appreciation.

You practically do not have to worry about the investment, as we manage the land automatically within the portfolio. For most of our products, you remain as the owner for the entirety of the duration of your investment to ensure that you have your investment under control.

And we're not forgetting our roots…