Who we are
APF VENTURE CAPITAL CR s.r.o. (formerly Agrarian Land Fund s.r.o.) was established in May 2020 as a trader of agricultural land in the Czech Republic. It is currently part of the APF GROUP, which primarily focuses on long-term investments in agricultural land and agricultural projects. Since 2024, the Group’s activities have been expanded to include its own agricultural production.
APF is a real estate broker under the relevant Real Estate Brokerage Act with professional liability insurance of CZK 20 million.
The Qualified Investor Fund APF GROUP CR SICAV a.s. was established within the Group.The Qualified Investor Fund (QIF) is regulated by Act No. 240/2013 Coll, The fund is established for the purpose of appreciation of investors’ financial resources by direct and indirect investments mainly in capital companies, receivables and by providing secured loans and credits exclusively to agricultural entrepreneurs. Investments in the Fund are therefore suitable for investors with an investment horizon of at least 5 years.