Bond Issue

APF REAL ESTATE GROUP CR s.r.o. has prepared an issue of bonds with a maturity of 36 months and a floating yield of 3M PRIBOR + 6% p.a. (the yield will not fall below 6% p.a. and will not exceed 12% p.a.) for clients who do not want to invest directly in agricultural land. The total value of the issue amounts to EUR 24,0 million. CZK 24 million. The nominal value of the bond is CZK 3,000,000. The issue period for subscription of the bonds starts on 5 February 2024 and ends on 5 February 2025 with the possibility of extension.


Advokátní kancelář Ritter-Šťastný
Riegrova 12
779 00

+420 585 229 221

APFREG VAR/27 bond

Name of Bonds: Dluhopis APFREG VAR/27

ISIN Identification Code: CZ0003559031

Issuer’s Account No.: 2001933020/2010

Nominal Value of Bond: 3.000.000 CZK

Form of Bond: Securities on the series

Type of Bond: Certificated securities

Issue Price: 100% of the nominal value of the Bonds on the Issue Date

Minimum Investment: 3.000.000 CZK

Issue Date: 5.2.2024

Issuance Period: The issue period for subscription of the Bonds starts on 5 February 2024 and ends on 5
February 2025 with the possibility of extension

Additional Issuance Period: Can be applied

Estimated Issue Volume: 24.000.000 CZK

Maximum Issue Volume: 24.000.000 CZK

Bond Numbering: 1 to 8

Yield: 3M PRIBOR + 6.0% p.a., with the Yield not falling below 6.0% p.a. and not exceeding 12.0%
p.a.), for details see Article 6 of the Issue Terms and Conditions

Beginning of the First Yield Period: 5. 2. 2024

Yield Period: Quarterly

Date of Entitlement to the payment of Yield: as at 5.2.; 5.5.; 5.8. and 5.11. of each calendar year until the maturity of the nominal value,
with the first Payment Date falling on 5.5. 2024

Record Date for Payment of the Yield: As at the last day of the revenue period

Early Maturity Date: In accordance with Article 9 of the Issue Terms

Final Maturity Date: 5. 2. 2027

Record Date for Repayment of the Nominal Value: 5. 2. 2027

Issue: Issue of fungible Bonds issued under Terms and Conditions of Issue

Bonds: Individual bonds issued under the Issue

Administrator: Issuer

Designated Premises: APF REAL ESTATE GROUP CR s.r.o., Riegrova 376/12, 779 00 Olomouc


Phone: +420 734 154 897


APFAF 10,0/25 bond

Sold out

For clients who do not wish to invest directly into agricultural land, APF ALTERNATIVE FUND CR s.r.o. has prepared a bond issue with a maturity of 24 months and an annual yield of 10%. The total value of the issue is 23,5 million CZK. The nominal value of a bond is 20.000 CZK. The issuance period for the subscription for bonds begins on 1.2.2023 and ends on 31.1.2024 with the possibility of an extension.

The administration of the bond subscription is provided by the Ritter-Šťastný Law Office, Riegrova 12, 779 00 Olomouc, tel. 585229221, If you are interested, contact us at

Issuer: APF ALTERNATIVE FUND CR s.r.o., IČ 178 28 261,
LEI 315700MIRE8XQY91M497,
se sídlem Pražákova 1008/69, Štýřice, 639 00 Brno,
zapsaná v OR spis. zn. C 131699 vedená u Krajského soudu v Brně

Name of Bonds: Dluhopis APFAF 10,0/25

ISIN Identification Code: CZ0003548307

Issuer’s Account No.: To be specified

Nominal Value of Bond: CZK 20.000 Kč

Form of Bond: Securities on the series

Type of Bond: Certificated securities

Issue Price: 100% of the nominal value of the Bonds as of Issue Date

Minimum Investment: 1 (one) Bond

Issue Date: 1. 2. 2023

Issuance Period: The issue period for subscription of the Bonds shall commence on the following date
1 February 2023 and will expire on 31 January 2024, with the possibility of extension

Additional Issuance Period: Applicable

Estimated Issue Volume: CZK 23.500.000

Maximum Issue Volume: CZK 23.500.000

Bond Numbering: 0001 to 1175

Yield: Fixed rate 10% per annum

Beginning of the First Yield Period: 1. 2. 2023

Yield Period: quarterly

Date of Entitlement to the payment of Yield: on 31 January, 30 April, 31 July and 31 October of each calendar year
of the year until the maturity of the nominal value

Record Date for Payment of the Yield: Last day of the yield period

Early Maturity Date: Day of repayment of yield

Final Maturity Date: 31. 1. 2025

Record Date for Repayment of the Nominal Value: 31. 1. 2025

Issue: Issue of Bonds issued under these
Issuance Terms and Conditions

Bonds: Individual bonds issued within the Issue

Administrator: Issuer

Designated Premises: APF ALTERNATIVE FUND CR s.r.o.
Riegrova 376/12, 779 00 Olomouc
tel.: +420 734 154 897


APFAGRI 12,0/25 bond

Sold out

For clients who do not wish to invest directly into agricultural land, APF AGRICULTURAL LAND CR S.R.O. has prepared a bond issue with a maturity of 24 months and an annual yield of 12%. The total value of the issue is 24 million CZK. The nominal value of a bond is 50.000 CZK. The issuance period for the subscription for bonds begins on 5 January 2023 and ends on 4 January 2025 with the possibility of an extension.

The administration of the bond subscription is provided by the Ritter-Šťastný Law Office, Riegrova 12, 779 00 Olomouc, tel. 585229221, If you are interested, contact us at

Issuer: APF AGRICULTURAL LAND CR s.r.o., IČ 143 47 296,
LEI 3157006CX30M1WFJT043,

se sídlem Pražákova 1008/69, Štýřice, 639 00 Brno,
zapsaná v OR spis. zn. C 362917 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze

Name of Bonds: Dluhopis APFAGRI 12,0/25

LEI: 3157006CX30M1WFJT043

ISIN Identification Code: CZ0003547382

Issuer’s Account No.: to be specified

Nominal Value of Bond: CZK 50, 000

Form of Bond: Paper securities

Type of Bond: Securities to order

Issue Price: 100% of the nominal value of the Bonds as of Issue Date

Minimum Investment: 1 (one) Bond

Issue Date: 5 January 2023

Issuance Period: Issue period: the issue period for subscription of the Bonds starts on the following date 5
January 2023 and will expire on 4 January 2024, with the possibility of extension

Additional Issuance Period: Applicable

Estimated Issue Volume: CZK 24,000,000 (twenty-four million Czech crowns)

Maximum Issue Volume: CZK 24,000,000 (twenty-four million Czech crowns)

Bond Numbering: 001 to 480

Yield: Fixed rate of 12% per annum (per year)

Beginning of the First Yield Period: 5 January 2023

Yield Period: 1 month

Date of Entitlement to the payment of Yield: Always on the last day of each calendar month until
the maturity of the nominal value, last payment on 4 January 2025

Record Date for Payment of the Yield: Last day of the yield period

Early Maturity Date: Day of repayment of yield

Final Maturity Date: 4 January 2025

Record Date for Repayment of the Nominal Value: 4 January 2025

Issue: Issue of fungible Bonds issued under these Terms and Conditions of Issue

Bonds: Individual bonds issued within the Issue

Administrator: Issuer

Designated Premises: APF AGRICULTURAL LAND CR s.r.o.
Riegrova 376/12, 779 00 Olomouc
tel.: +420 734 154 897
